Title: UABOS Spain: Firefighter/Driver Belong, Connect, Grow, with KBR! Program Summary KBR will sustain the operational well-being of U.S. armed forces at Morón Air Base (Spain), Incirlik Air Base, Izmir Air Station, and various facilities in Turkey. Our services encompass program management, civil...
Title: UABOS Spain: Mechanic Belong, Connect, Grow, with KBR! Program Summary KBR will sustain the operational well-being of U.S. armed forces at Morón Air Base (Spain), Incirlik Air Base, Izmir Air Station, and various facilities in Turkey. Our services encompass program management, civil engineeri...
Title: UABOS Spain: Structural Engineer Belong, Connect, Grow, with KBR! Program Summary Employee serves in the Engineering Design Section (CEND) at Moron Air Base, holding the role of Structural Engineer. Responsibilities include overseeing the efficient management of design and construction projec...
Title: UABOS Spain: Maintenance Leader Belong, Connect, Grow, with KBR! Program Summary KBR will sustain the operational well-being of U.S. armed forces at Morón Air Base (Spain), Incirlik Air Base, Izmir Air Station, and various facilities in Turkey. Our services encompass program management, civil...
We are looking for an Office Coordinator for our Madrid branch, whose primary goal will be to ensure the smooth commercial and administrative operation of the office. This key position involves managing workflow, overseeing leads, providing exceptional customer service, and acting as a liaison betwe...
Title: UABOS Spain: Maintenance Technician Belong, Connect, Grow, with KBR! Program Summary KBR will sustain the operational well-being of U.S. armed forces at Morón Air Base (Spain), Incirlik Air Base, Izmir Air Station, and various facilities in Turkey. Our services encompass program management, c...
Title: UABOS Spain: Materials Specialist Belong, Connect, Grow, with KBR! Program Summary KBR will sustain the operational well-being of U.S. armed forces at Morón Air Base (Spain), Incirlik Air Base, Izmir Air Station, and various facilities in Turkey. Our services encompass program management, civ...
Title: UABOS Spain: Environmental Specialist Belong, Connect, Grow, with KBR! Program Summary KBR will sustain the operational well-being of U.S. armed forces at Morón Air Base (Spain), Incirlik Air Base, Izmir Air Station, and various facilities in Turkey. Our services encompass program management,...
Title: ***SKILLBRIDGE*** UABOS Spain: Structural Engineer Belong, Connect, Grow, with KBR! THIS IS AN ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY INTERNSHIP, WITH DIRECT HIRE POSSIBILITY UPON COMPLETION. Program Summary Employee serves in the Engineering Design Section (CEND) at Moron Air Base, holding the role of Structu...